3 Ways To Stay Cool Inside Your Vehicle

About a year ago, I realized that my car was having a lot of problems. It seemed like no matter what I did I couldn't make things right, and I realized that it was probably because I knew very little about car repairs. I started talking with other car enthusiasts about what they knew, and they were able to help me to take care of little issues as they came along. Within a few short months, my car was operating smoothly, and it was great to see how much of a difference my actions made. Check out this blog to learn more about cars.

3 Ways To Stay Cool Inside Your Vehicle

16 July 2021
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

When it's hot outside and you need to drive somewhere, the last thing you want to do is feel too warm inside your car. During the hot months of the year, it's much more comfortable to drive around when it's nice and cool inside your vehicle. If your car feels too warm during the summer, there are some things you can do to lower the temperature inside.

Here are three ways to stay cool inside your vehicle.

1. Recharge the AC

If you have air conditioning but your car doesn't get cool enough, you may need to recharge your AC. Besides not feeling cool enough, other signs it's time to recharge your AC include: 

  • Your vents are blowing out warm air.
  • You don't hear a clicking noise when you turn on the AC.
  • You notice refrigerant leaking from your vehicle.

To recharge your car's AC, you need to add refrigerant to the recommended levels, which enables the system to blow out cold air again.

You can recharge your car's AC yourself, but it's best to take it to a professional automotive technician. If the refrigerant is not the problem, they will be able to determine why your car's AC system is not working as it should.

2. Get the Windows Tinted

Many people opt for window tinting on their vehicles because they think it looks cool. But did you know that window tinting can actually make your car feel cooler inside as well? This is due to the fact that window tinting prevents the sun's thermal rays from reaching the interior of your car.

The higher the tint percentage, the more sunlight your windows will be able to filter. It's important to note, however, that some states do not allow window tinting on the windshield. Also, each state has its own laws regarding the legal percentage of window tinting.

3. Avoid Parking In Direct Sunlight

Knowing where to park your car when you're not driving it also helps to keep it cool. The best way to keep your car cool is to avoid parking in direct sunlight. If you can, always park your car in the garage or in the shade.

If it's not possible to avoid parking in direct sunlight, invest in a sunshade or window visor to help keep your car's interior protected from the sun. Keeping your windows slightly cracked, or opening the doors before getting inside, are other ways to cool down the interior of your vehicle.  

About Me
Improving My Car Every Day

About a year ago, I realized that my car was having a lot of problems. It seemed like no matter what I did I couldn't make things right, and I realized that it was probably because I knew very little about car repairs. I started talking with other car enthusiasts about what they knew, and they were able to help me to take care of little issues as they came along. Within a few short months, my car was operating smoothly, and it was great to see how much of a difference my actions made. Check out this blog to learn more about cars.
